Our Mission
Environmentalism and Conservation
A primary goal of the foundation is to restore and enhance the natural beauty of our forested wildernesses, rivers and streams. Our world has seen too many years of rampant development and benign neglect that has left us with a mandated responsibility to repair and rehabilitate our natural environment. We believe that it is important not only to protect the existing resources that we have, but to also continue to work together to repair the damages that have occurred as our world has continued to develop. For many generations, we have continued to inadvertently find ways to deplete resources and deteriorate overall natural habitat conditions. Together, we need to work to bring about positive and lasting change to enable our planet to become a more sustainable place to live.
Community Advancement
We believe that no community should be limited in education, health care, or other basic human rights and opportunities based on where they are. The challenges that our communities face in today’s world are constantly evolving and requiring innovative solutions. The funding of Community Advancement in areas such as disaster relief, child development, human rehabilitation, and cultural compatibilities are vital to economic and social stability of any of our diverse communities. We believe in consistency and a strong community presence so that the youth in our world can continue to grow in more ideal environments.
Education is a vital aspect of the growth and development of our population both physically and mentally. The educational system faces more adversity by the day with decreased funding, dwindling resources, and growing populations. The continued expansion of technology and modern advances has also caused educational systems to fall behind due to lack of funding for more modern equipment and resources. The S. Kent Rockwell Conservancy views education as a cornerstone of a successful society and a fundamental right that should be available to all as we continue to come together to build on a better world.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship and innovation are both essential to local communities, on a national level, and in global situations. Supporting these initiatives helps enable our citizens to build skills and knowledge while promoting growth and aiding in the ability to compete within the global marketplace. The conservancy seeks to support programs that encourage these principles and help individuals or groups achieve success in the implementation of innovative technologies and processes in all aspects of our society.
About The S. Kent Rockwell Conservancy
The S. Kent Rockwell Conservancy was established on the basis that we, as residents of this beautiful planet, have an inherited duty to continue to ensure that the precious environmental resources, landscape, and characteristics that have formed this world continue to remain viable in our future existence. The foundation focuses to improve four general areas of philanthropic endeavor- conservation, education, community, and entrepreneurship and innovation. Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the S. Kent Rockwell Conservancy is established with the principal concept to establish a more coherent way to preserve and enhance our world’s greatest natural treasures. The foundation is particularly interested in allocating efforts into environmental improvement programs than can provide a positive impact for communities, educational systems, and individual efforts and goals such as entrepreneurship and innovation. These specific areas can be vastly improved upon and help continue to shape the world in a more positive way.
There are many opportunities within the United States to provide relief efforts and more initiative overall to repair areas that have been damaged or even destroyed in the environment for a vast amount of reasons. Conservation and enhancement of damaged natural resources and land continues to be a main focus for the foundation as it serves as one of the larger reasons that we specifically as inhabitants of this earth have taken advantage of our natural surroundings and underappreciated it to a certain extent. It has been proven, however, in many instances that the damage caused in natural properties can be reversed with the proper methods and resources. Our general humanitarian effort is the sole purpose in providing support as a foundation. Together, we can continue to find ways to build better and more environmental friendly systems and resources.